...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Hormat Blogger Lain

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I’m writing as a way to express myself, it makes me happy when come to think that I own a blog, I am very eager to put pen to paper the moment an idea appear at the back of my mind, but for some bloggers they are smart by making cash out of it, well done! To me I’m not up yet to generate a penny from this.
Fun? A typical question that I kept on getting asked whenever there was any related topics about blog. Frankly speaking, yes I did find happiness in blogging even though there would be time where you were attacked towards your ideas but learning to be positive and not to blow your composure is among valuable lessons I gained along in life as a blogger.
Life is dynamic for those who are brave to alter the history and in that discovery process you maybe find something precious that you want the world to look at. Before the existence of internet we have very limited channels to spread our ideas. You are lucky as much as I am.
Do we live solely for money?
We don’t…. I can make certain of that.
But money is the spine for survival.

Let me get this straight, I admire those bloggers and that I’m not pointing at anyone in this case, its just that every so often “it” blinds them. For the sake of “it” they publish junks or rather nonsense provocative thoughts in order to get the rate of visitors up. For once I see blog is killing respect instead of evil.

Why not create an atmosphere where everyone is looking at one another with dignity. We are one, the earth the only planet we dwell on, there are plenty of traits we all share in common and I can be sure that even right now you will stumble upon one.