...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Segala Telah Sedia

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Segala Telah Sedia

Segala telah sedia
Kasut telah dikapur
Kalam telah diasah
Buku tersusun rapi
Beg baru terletak di kaki.

Segala telah sedia
Baju yang pekat putih
Seluar yang keras kertas
Mencakar betis dan lengan
Rambut telah diketam
Remos telah diperbaiki
(untuk sekian kali)
Sebentar lagi
Perjalanan yang jauh
Akan kau mulai.

Segala telah sedia
Pesan petua telah diulang
Kuih bekal telah dibungkus
Loceng basikal telah bordering
Ibu telah menepuk bahu
(untuk sekian kali)
Sebentar lagi
Kau akan pergi memasuki
Dunia kata dan kira-kira.

Segala telah sedia
Kau masih berdiri sangsi
Di anak tangga.

Nukilan oleh A.Latiff Mohidin, dipetik dari Buku ‘Kuntum Pertiwi’
Terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP)1986.

Pengorbanan ibu, itulah dia, bangun tatkala setiap insan masih di buai mimpi indah, di saat manusia di matikan dengan usikan mimpi sementara, demi mu anak sanggup kau meredah dingin pagi agar anak mu kelihatan bersih dan indah.

Dengarkan puisi ini, bukanlah keluhan seorang wanita tua digelar bonda yang terpaksa mempertaruhkan nyawa demi kebahagiaan anak-anak tapi cuma kisah silam yang setiap dari kita lalui, dan kisah ini adalah saat paling bahagia wanita ini.
Hanya dengan ini terpancar lah senyuman kering otot tua di muka ibu, melihat hari itu anaknya sempurna untuk memulakan hari yang baru, jauh di benaknya terkunci satu harapan senilai emas.

Terima kasih,

Don't Always Sleep Late

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information on: “ DON’T ALWAYS SLEEP LATE ! “. Find out the reasons yourself  WHY?

Take note...don't always sleep late!!!!!!!

Good rest and sound sleep is very important... if u don't sleep well,
The toxins in your body will accumulate... Affecting your health and your mood...

The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause..
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best
Cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried
Veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

We have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits is very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals.

Evening 9 - 11pm: is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de- toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in a un relaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.

Night at 11pm - 1am:
 The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am: de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 3 - 5am: de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am: de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9am: Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals.
Midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.

Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.

Sharing Is Caring!

ps: excerpted from my personal email sent by a friend



When something really bad befalls upon your life in just split seconds it makes you as if live in world that is too strange.
After one then comes another, I once asked whether this is some sort of test god lays upon me?
Every minute seems like the turning point for something negative to happen.
The deeper I drill inside my soul the brighter light I see from the wreckage of my life.
And it turns out that the light is a way for god to clarify blurriness and uncertainties that have been daunting me for years.
Now I put undisputed trust in it.
Too bad when comes to think that I am not allowed to do anything but stay at home, ever since I lost touch with the world and anything surrounds me.
My brain has been working for the past a few months trying to locate the missing part in my journey towards finding the truth.
I should not be hoping any longer, should I?
Its time to leave the bad behind, erase the trails it created and keep moving forward as the Walt says.
Hoping for one that lost hope in his life, if you have no hope over winning something you have failed before you know it.
That part may stop right there.
We begin with a new story, for the followers of this blog in case you have yet to notice, I am turning from facebook-er to twitter freak.
I tweet almost everyday and should I mention each seconds no matter what I do or wherever I go, and its all possible with twitter for blackberry an application that has been installed in blackberry, well if that isn’t strong to convince that point, you may stay on this page and twist your eyes to the twitter board at the right side of this page and check out the flow yourself...hehehe....
I have fallen for this new social site immediately after my account is activated, perhaps I must say here the only reason for me to be on twitter is to share my thoughts in the most uniquely limited characters of 140, at this point your communications skills are toughly judged.
I don’t know you can easily gain new friends here till I feel like I know them for ages although I never meet them in person nor hear their voice, but there is more about it I should share as we go.
What so great about twitter is that it can be linked to many other social networking webpages, and that includes your very own website or blog not to forget facebook. Eventually it conveniently helps you keep your, be it followers or buddies posted at all time of what you up to, what event you attend and stuffs like that.
Going back about new pals I mentioned in the two last paragraphs up there, please be advised that even though they follow you right there on twitter but that doesn’t mean they are just following for nothing.
Lets not thrash the entire blame upon all, because one spoiled apple in a basket wont ruin the rest. Its just some minority cases, you can find the best one to chat with but beware the person may have other intention towards you.
I went through some life changing experiences when looks become more crucial element in determining who you befriend with rather than the meaning of friendship itself, and that has had me hurt severely. I value each corner of friendship which we all tight together but as something like this come about, I tend to show disrespect for whoever you are out there.
I say sorry for un-following some and had you blocked from accessing my profile anymore.
I set new rules where I won’t simply grant approval for future friends request. Thank you.

A Big Waste

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World cup season has returned, the most anticipating sport event ever, and it only occurs once in every four years that makes all eyes on South Africa as world cup 2010 is happening right there now and approaching very close to the end. But most of all, one baffling question remains unanswered, seeing over 6 expensive stadiums that were built I am wondering, are they funded alone by South Africa?

As for me, if the answer is yes, don’t you think that all the money could be used to save million of starving lives in that country instead or rather the entire continent? Do you?
Seriously though its been too long, I cant bear even another second watching these people being swept out from their own land in such a terrifying way. This is the biggest waste ever.
Well, I can’t seem to agree more with you that it may bring some good fortunes in the sense of investment in to the country, and later have you ever thought that where will the money go to? How would it be spent? But again the highest priority should be given in helping those lives. Imagine, we are talking about projects worth billion of dollars and it takes years for completion and with that money I strongly believe by now there should be over thousands of schools, and numbers of death stays at the lowest level.
Hospital, school and foods are the bare necessities of life.
After all not the entire region of Africa get to enjoy the game because of the serious poverty issues there, lack of access to internet, no television coverage and a lot more, you name it. We need to tackle it down beforehand.
They need more than just kick of a ball but proper education and mean of lives.
Keep in mind a little thought may change the world, when looking at those kids in the street I can see a bright future ahead of them if there was ever a chance.
In fact that isn’t all, plenty more.....
Think about it............

ps : so sorry, due to some unforseen circumtances, this entry has been posted a bit late

Hormat Blogger Lain

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I’m writing as a way to express myself, it makes me happy when come to think that I own a blog, I am very eager to put pen to paper the moment an idea appear at the back of my mind, but for some bloggers they are smart by making cash out of it, well done! To me I’m not up yet to generate a penny from this.
Fun? A typical question that I kept on getting asked whenever there was any related topics about blog. Frankly speaking, yes I did find happiness in blogging even though there would be time where you were attacked towards your ideas but learning to be positive and not to blow your composure is among valuable lessons I gained along in life as a blogger.
Life is dynamic for those who are brave to alter the history and in that discovery process you maybe find something precious that you want the world to look at. Before the existence of internet we have very limited channels to spread our ideas. You are lucky as much as I am.
Do we live solely for money?
We don’t…. I can make certain of that.
But money is the spine for survival.

Let me get this straight, I admire those bloggers and that I’m not pointing at anyone in this case, its just that every so often “it” blinds them. For the sake of “it” they publish junks or rather nonsense provocative thoughts in order to get the rate of visitors up. For once I see blog is killing respect instead of evil.

Why not create an atmosphere where everyone is looking at one another with dignity. We are one, the earth the only planet we dwell on, there are plenty of traits we all share in common and I can be sure that even right now you will stumble upon one.


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First of all I apologise for not updating this blog for such a long time, and the last entry was about semester break and that was over a month ago.
Today I decided to write again, share what I assume important.
The new semester has commenced a week back, but I am not attending it due to some serious problems I have. How sad, it is. Just a week before the final exam ended, I picked up a strange and yet terrifying skin disease which I take for granted. I should have taken it seriously while in its infancy but its too late now, the problem gone crazy.
I have been diagnosed to suffer from multiple skin lesions. I am not a doctor neither nurse, therefore I can’t tell you specifically what that is. Here is something you probably do not know, can you imagine it all started from a tiny bite of mosquitoes then later it turns to be deadly problem? Lesson of this, please do not scratch too hard when you fell itchy on your skin because I believe this is what makes it a big trouble to me right now. Next, you need to keep your nails short and clean at all time, so now it involves self-hygiene.
The pain I have gone through is good enough to remind me of how life is short, at this point, preserve all we posses is one thing it had taught me to do. Sometime we don’t appreciate whatever lucks or moments god has given us. Times like this it will rake the past up and place us in guilty position. When I’m stuck in this situation, I only have two gut-wrenching options to choose from, its either to get back to college in this condition which I really don’t like it as I’m afraid if it infects anyone who stays with me, let me keep this problem to myself or to defer this semester.
I personally spoke to the doctor to write me a letter saying that how bad my problem is so that I won’t be showing up this semester. Yes, I have chosen the second choice. Its tough but life is unfair, no shouldn’t say so, god tests us once a while to show his love, its a matter the way we carry on our life and how we handle it.
At times like this too, it gets you close to your creator knowing that he always there for you.
Don’t worry in another week I will have my life back.
Lets move on….
A close friend of mine suggested me to start up a gadget blog as that what he specializes in, he’s been doing it for quite some time now.  A lot of benefits, one of them he gets to test new phone, HTC DESIRE from Maxis and other latest gadgets. Well I had the same thought too before its just that I don’t have some basic requirements for that, internet connection being among them. I am planning to sign up for broadband plan but…you guess it….
Since that I have four months available for anything that happened by accident, I’m thinking to re-live one abandoned blog of mine into as what I mentioned up there. I really hope it is going to be real.
I guess that is it for now, thanks…..