...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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It's been more than a month now...i get stuck here...finally i got a long break...but not really then..there is still a long way to go...but i got to be strong...no matter wht it is...yeah...this seems to be good enough for me...to put my mind to it....

Consideration has to be made...make sure i totally comprehend this time...wht i am doing...Its not gonna be easy...i just withdrawn from one of the subject that first i thought i could not carry....after seeing wht others gone through...then i realised i made a perfect move....i try not to be in this state again...

But..what if this move not so swift....Allah knows...be just what you are....doesnt matter how hard you try to cameflourge...you could never run from your own shadow....be it near or far...its gonna be there...watching you...just let it be your bud...

In Tears

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My tears run down my cheek...but its way over...but im still suck in it...i lost my sense of wrong and rite...how could this be...for one more time...shouldnt it be the other way around...o..LORD...give me strength..that is just wht i need...at the moment this story being wrote...let not me fall again...i really cant afford to lose...

Every attempt seems worhtless....i always failed..tht is the real hurtful fact that im still learning to take in...i lost direction...am i on the rite road...? nobody seems to know....but whatever it is...life must go on...probably someday i will get there....i try not prolong this jouney.....but i'v been destined to be this way...i got to accept it...

Today i was not in the mood...everything seemed blur...all the adjustment that was ever made before...lookd giving nothing....i dont even know...whether this would be the last journey...

I Made It........ !!!

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After all struglessss...finally i made it....but still it was not that smooth...as i always say...every step that ur going to take...may bring impact...first u must loook into it...let nothing to influennnn your decision...its the major part of your life....then u got to come up with any possible back-up plan...in order to keep it up...

yet i did again....just like last time..but even harder...it may seems risky but that was d only thing that i can think of right now...whatever people might think about it...just let them be...its you wht really matter now..its ur life...u just know ur stuff...rite?? im still blur..dunno whether im cmg or going..im just afraid wht if it turns up to b d other way around...would it be possible to turn everything back to normal...GOD KNOWS..

every effort we put into something...must come along with submission..care not wht people may say...its u and ur creator...indeed HE IS GUIDING ME....i got to carry it on...at all cost...put the past behind and here is your turning point....find your direction....discover new path of life....

No more doubtfull...to frenz...i have no idea..hw to express my appreciation...trust me...life is like ladder...for u to step up to next level...there are plenty of misery u got to go thru..they are test of life....we have one life...make full of it....dont go overboard...expect smething unforseen....always be prepared for that....they are just circumtances...we have capabilty to change it....

Switch or Not To Switch

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o god...just let me do it, shower me wit your blesses....

it feels like stuck in bleak tunnel with no end...everytime when i thought about it...the scar that it left behind was too painful to be retained...but whatever it is...i still got to do it....

But now...after taking everything into account...i would rather do that than bringing it back and forth.... better switch....from what i am now...to something i should be...even though with little unmatured experience...but as it goes...i will get better....GOD WILLING...but the best is yet to come....something that i have been wishing after all these...its as tough as back when i was there...in the realm of ilusion.....but now it even worse...i cant even decide....lord...u r there for me...shine my way for my future...just pointing out...which ever the best for me....i cry...but it brings nothing.....i scream...its still there...wht more can i do...

The time is here once again....i have to make up my mind...i m carrying the heaviest reposibilty ever...its all on my shoulder....but it just the matter of time...this seems the only hurdle that must be overcome....but it still leaves me with some hurtful frustration...i got to be strong....in order to go ahead with this journey....that was just not the rite thing to do....


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Shit man!!!...my pc got infected by virus again....i cant believe it...what shlould i do now....but this time even worse...its not a norm virus...but its a worm...o...god...im just afraid that it will bredding in my PC....come on...hw could this be...again..as we all know.....the solution is by formatting your computer....but the thing is...all the files in your computer will disapear....is there any better way to get out of this situation?? do you have any???
come on share wit me guys...i just cant afford to lose all my data...especially all the assignments...erm...by the way...i wish it will recover soon...i got it from computer lab...so now...the only lesson that i have learnt...never ever plug your stick on lab computer....or u ll be just like me...thank god...i managed to back up some of the files...not bad...but it remais unsave....the antivirus program...up to now...failed to remove that silly worm...its still stuck in my computer...whether u like it or not...u got to format ur PC....oo...argh....wht more can i do...that is the last resort that i can think of rite now....oo....argh...exhausted....


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Uneven journey that i got to go through seems so hurtful.....there was one time...i almost lost hope to something silly...and even sometime...i felt....give up is everything....but...God...for the helps u gave me...im still steady in this road of life....the courage is still alive...just let it remains alive...for the sake of anyone....this journey must go on...at all cost....those who always there for me...your support is much appreciated....let we go through this together....someday we will get there...

life as a student is not just about...attending class nor reading a book...but it beyond that...making frenz is one thing...pick the rite one is as crucial as choosing way of your life...bear in mind...believe it or not...your life is being shaped by people around you...that the fact that u cant run away of....but...what are all these for...for your future.....to me....i would rather lose my love than fren....because...there they are for you...through thick n thin....

Today such a weird feeling coming over....i just dunno hw to explain this...but today seems so empty to me..anything that i do....give me no impact....its just like being blindfolded...even it worse than ever...it keeps coming back...once awhile...it would completely drive me up the wall....the more i try...the worse i get...the solution is yet to come...still searching for it
but its not gonna stop there....life is a challenge that you got to take on....to be continued


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Dude...i could not believe it either....we i first time saw this on my email...

Dear Muhammad,

Studying at the University of Southampton!

Education UK Exhibition in Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur 28 - 29 March 2009 - KLCC 1300hrs to 1800hrs

Penang 31 March 2009 - G Hotel 1300hrs to 1800hrs

Thank you for your enquiry regarding the University of Southampton.

I am pleased to inform you that this year we will be attending exhibitions in Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Frances Holley from the International Office, Eric Cooke from the School of Electronics and Computer Science, Professor James Vickers from the School of Mathematics (Kuala Lumpur only), Dr Alan Chambers from the School of Engineering Sciences (Kuala Lumpur only) and I will be representing the University of Southampton at these events.

As you recently expressed an interest in studying with us, we would like to invite you to come and join us at one of these exhibitions. We are keen to meet you and talk to you about your choice of programme, the university, student life in Southampton, bursaries/scholarships and any other enquiries that you may have.

Please contact global@southampton.ac.uk if you have any queries.

We hope to meet you in Malaysia.

Kind regards.

Karen Arnold
Regional Director East Asia

more and more offerss.......coming in...but yet i have not decided...i ever rejected one offer before...in fact i had been sponsored though...oo..my lord...shows me just the right way...do not let me get so carried away with all these...just let me stick to my mind....this is the most complicated moment for me sometime...because after all its bout ur future...that is why, i lways believe....every step that you take may sometime bring bout worse repercussion...time is running so fast...i have to really end this journey soon..if i value my future....i never get what i really want in this life so far.....im still hoping...my journey will be smooth...and i wish....this is my last stop...where am i rite now...will give me new hope...and lesson....thank to all budiies...who there when i need u...

You wanna be a great speaker / communicator?

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Be passionate to speak clearly

Show respect and affection to audience

Be convinced before you convince others

Be yourself, do not imitate others

Do not start by making apology for not preparing [choose either be prepared or never accept offer to talk]

Begin with a nice, soft, sweet, friendly ways even to confront idea

Use visual aidsJapanese proverb says: one seeing is better than 100 times telling about

Support a statement by illustration

Moving exhibit is better than static exhibit

Speak with animation and force

Use analogy, demonstration, testimony, statistic

Get a 'yes' response

Get attention: by making suspense or telling story

Draw audience by making show of hands

Avoid technical terms. If unavoidable, explain definition quickly

If audience says no, go back to common agreed point and lead them bit by bit until they fall in your folder

We differ in some points, but we agree on many

Pride is a fundamental explosive character, get it works for us, not against us

Do not under-praise or over-praise

Practice impromptu speaking – speak about now or continue other's story

Practice now in daily conversation

Seek opportunity to practice

Be persistent even after 100 defeats


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so, i just dunno, whr to start...but...lets put it this way...i know...its been awhile though...since i started blogging....but just recently, i got kind of advi, 'could be'...from some of u....i mean...frenz certainly....they wanted me to post in english....so then, anyone can comprehend...that such a cool idea though...i had thought lots bout it as well, so now, i guess im ready...to blog in english...ur comments are always welcome...dont fret....just comment me...im ok wit that....and one more thing....i love making fren...with anyone..thats all 4 now...if u got something better to shre...just let me know....regretly to say....if u remeber....there was one post titled PENING, has been deleted....due to some personal matter....anyway..thank ya..4 ur time...

Post Sebelumnya

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ini susulan post sebelumnya....sesungguhnyer...arini walaupun aku sedang berjuang untk terus berfikiran positif dalam mase depan aku....aku hampir terbabas namun begitu....sesunnguhnye pencipta YG MAHA AGUNG.....he always there for me...thru thick n thin....telah memberikan aku kekutan dalm perjalan idup ini....even though it was not so smooth in th beginning...but then, the real streng....locked inside, lways guide me...namun ape jua aku kene terus kan perjalannan ni....masa depan belum tentu indah kalo kita tak lalui....keperitan ari ini...sesunnguh nyer selalu ku nasihat kan diri ku....kegagalan itu sperti benih....adakala nye kiter buang mcm tu jer....tapi tak sedar...benih yg kita tinggal kan di belakang itu akan tumbuh segar, jika ianyer tak segar sekali pun...die tetap akan tumbuh.... biar pun di tanah yg gersang.......sebagai sebuah kejayaan...


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Ini la keadaan aku selalu stdy....erm biase la...laki kan...tapi kau lebih selase mcm ni la....tapi mama selalu tlg kemas kan....aku pn x tau...susah jer kemas....pas ni mesti semak balik....arini hati berbagi....samade aku nk teruskan stdy aku...atau berhenti jer....dan cuba sesuatu yang baru....aku dah untk cekal...untk lalui sume dugaan ni....pada pencipta selalu aku minta.....jadikan laluan ku yang paling lurus dan mudah...untk menuntut ilmu....tapi masih samer...tdak ku salah kan itu....sesungguhnyer...di sebalik itu ada yg lebih baik sudah tentu nyer.....

Tempat Ini

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apa kah agak nyer kisah yang aku nak bawakn kali ini yer....tgk la photo2 tu sume....cuba la teka....apa kaitan nyer dgn aku.....di sini lah aku pernah bekerja....sebelum aku smbg stdy aku...ok la gak keje kat sini....sebab logistic kan.....setiap ari aku jumpe ramai org...

x kira bangsa agama....tapi aku paling suke keje ni....sb kekdg...kite tak expect akan jumpe org2 penting...mcm menteri...ceo....ramai lagi la...ni la peluang yang aku dapat untuk berkenalan dgn dorg...kenal satu samer lain...ade kale nyer...ini mcm suatu peluang...untk ko pergi jauh....ade kale nyer...ble impian kter tak tercapai...bila dah knal org2 mcm ni...kiter boleh pg jauh...mereka boleh tlg...dan guide kita...mcm mane nk jadi mcm mereka....

Pelik Sangat

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tatkala kiter sibuk sgt memboikot barang2 dari USA yang di katakan menyokong perjuangan Israel memusnahkan penduduk palestin....ade suatu ketika, masa itu aku bekerja dgn salah sebuah company logistic dari USA....

tapi company ni tak support Israel kot...aku pernah suatu ari tu...mendapat seorang customer dari Israel....pada mula nyer aku tak amik kisah sgt....tapi ntah la...tetibe aku dapat rase kan kebencian yg sangat2 kat mamat tu....die hanya singgah bertanya kan harga untk menghantar barang ke suatu negara...tapi x tau la negara maner....

sebab bkn aku yang serve mamat tu....mase tu kawan aku yang melayan kerenah dier....pada mule nyer...die berkomunikasi dalam English....pas beberape ketika....die terkeluar la perkataan Melayu....pas dari tu die trus cakap melayu la...selang beberape bln selepas itu...mamat ni datang la semula...

bersedia nak hantar barang yg die tnye sebelum ni lah...masa tu kwn aku yg handle...sperti biase la....setiap customer perlu menyediakan atau bagi email....

pada mase tu aku saje2 nk siasat org ni...melalui email yg die bagi....aku google domain company yg die keje tu...terkejut giler la...die keje dgn sebuah company TELEKOMUNIKASI ISRAEL....CONFIRM...aku pun mmg hairan.....mcm maner die boleh masuk malaysia...malahan brg yg die anta tu ke israel....tapi yg lebih menakutkan....die boleh cakap melayu dgn fasih tu....aku siap kutuk depan die....tapi lantak r...peduli aper aku..tak tau la ape lagi nak di kata...

Inilah Nasihat Buat Bangsaku

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"Perjuangan Belum Selesai"

Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayat hati
Dari melihat bangsaku dijajah
Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina
Air mata tiada ertinya
Sejarah silam tiada maknanya
Sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
Dipersenda dan dilupakan

Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
Para pejuang kemerdekaan
Bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
Dan darjat bangsa
Selangkah bererti mara
Mengharung sejuta dugaan
Biarkan bertatih
asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
bagi memastikan negara
merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
air mata sengsara
mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita

Tugas kita bukan kecil
Kerana mengisi kemerdekaan
Rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
Keringat dan darah menuntutnya
Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
Kalau bangsaku asyik mengia
Dan menidakkan,
Mengangguk dan membenarkan,
Kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
kerana makmur dan mewahnya
bangsaku masih melata
dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri

Bukan kecil tugas kita
Meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
Kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
Mengisi kemerdekaan jauh lebih sengsara

Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
Bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
Mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
Malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan sayap
Menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
Selain menjadi ulama dan ilmuwan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
Samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
wira serantau
Yang tidak mengenal erti takut dan kematian?

Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
Bagi memartabat dan memuliakan bangsa
kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
akan sentiasa dihormati
Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
Bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
buat selama-lamanya
Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
Kerana masa depan belum menjanjikan syurga
Bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa

Perjuangan kita belum selesai
Kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
Dapat membina mercu tanda
Bangsanya yang berjaya.

hayatilah ia, jgn di salah erti....aku juga tidak sempurna...masih mencari pengertian...hidup...hina....hina nya diri....hanya mengharap kan bantuan......inilah diri kita......langkah demi langkah....biarkan ia bertatih....jangan leka....ini la nisan yg mengingatkan kita........

Kisah Arini Sabtu Pada Hari Kekasih...VALENTINE DAY

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Mungkin pada sesetengah pada kita....hari ini lebih penting...lebih mudah di ingati, malahan ari ini juga la kita sangup berabis duit tak kira la berape pn..semata-mata untuk seorg kekasih..tapi pernah kita teringat hari yg lebih penting mcm hari lahir ibu kita....hari lahir ayah kita...sedih

nyer...insan yg lebih penting dlm idup terbiar...di sisih..ingat la kembali ketika kecil....tak kira ape keadaan sekali pun...ari lahir kita x prnh d lupakan...tatkala itu la mereka merancang segala kejutan untk kita...di habis kan segaler nyer....tapi pada diriku situasi ini pn tak mustahil berlaku...pabila kite dh dewasa....berduit...mempunyai kerjaya...mgkn ade sekali kita terlupa ari lahir ibu bapa kita...sperti yg kite tau....semakin mereka meniti ari tue....mereka ini lebih

sensitif...pnh tak ibu bapa kita lupe walau sekali pn ari lahir kite?? tepuk dada tanya la diri...apala salah nyer...sekali sekala kita berabis duit untk mereka...ade yg lebih truk...nk belanje awek mtk kt mak....mtk duit semater2 nk beli adiah valentine day untk aweks....mgkin itulah saat terakhir ibu atau ayah kiter meraikan ari lahir mereka...siaper tahu....di saat aku berkongsi ceriter ini...aku pnh sekali alami perkare mcm ni...setelah aku smbg belajar...aku agak sibuk dgn mcm2 tugasan di universiti....aku tak teringat langsung ari lahir mama...pada suatu ketika...mama tegur....erm...tau tak arini ari per?? aku tanye la...ari ape yer?? cube ingt...aku pn reply lg...x ingt la.....mama pn jawab arini ari jadi mama lupe ker...maser tu jugak aku

terdiam...tak terkater aper...sedey yg teramat...sampai aku masuk bilik pas tu nangis...biar la ape pn korg nk pikir...die la satu2 nyer insan yg aku paling syg...segaler nyer....pas ayah aku takde meninggal dunia..10 thn yg lepas...smpai ke saat aku sdg menaip kisah ini...air mater aku tetap keluar...kerane teramat bersalah...sedey dan benci kat diri.....mcm aku dah laku kan

sesuatu yg besar yg x dpt d maafkan...walau mama tak ksh...tp die x pnh luper ari lahir aku ade kaler nyer aku sendiri luper ari lahir aku sendiri...die la insan yg selalu mengingat kan...maaf kan ank mu....smpai sini je la...aku tak larat nk taip lg sedey sgt....arini pas aku balik keje...aku lalu pavilion....ramai nyer org pegang red roses...ari valentine la katakan...pe la salah nyer kalo bg jer bunga tu kat mak korg...layan la die mcm kekasih korg....ketika korg nmpk dier....alangkah

romantiknyer....kalo sorg ank lelaki menghadiah kan sejambak bunga kepada ibu mereka....ape yg aku sedey tgk...sume org tu...melayu islam lak tu.....ape la...erm....aku harap aku masih dpt mengawal diri aku lagi....harap tuhan memelihara aku...

Kes Arini

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airni nak shre something....stelah sekian lamerr tidak keluar berjogging..arini akhirnye....impian aku tercapai gak...nk peg bersenam ni....tapi arini mulae2 plan nk g swimming....but then...aku lak kene balik umah dulu amik baju....so aku lewat la sikit dari yang lain...aku g 3 org....tapi x jadi la gi swim tu.....sb td pun dah lewat sgt...tmpt tu tutup kul 7....smbg balik kul 8....so xde chance.....tp xpe la...nt nex time leh g lagi....aku mula kat kampus...pas tu trus pg tmpt lain...erm ader r tmpt tu....x leh nk citer...g la...x smpai bape meter...tetibe aku dah pancit..paham2 je la....pancit tu...yg kwn aku ni lak...pergh....jauh ke depan...biaser la die mmg selalu bersukan lain la mcm aku ni....dah dkt 1 tahun x bersenam....so td tu aku kira satu permulaan yang agak baik la...gak....pas tu pg tmpt tu...abis jog lak kul 7.30....pagar bhgn blakng tmpt tu dah tutup....terpaksa la ikut jalan jauh...xde pe nk buat...ape lagi mcm agak pelik gak la ikut jalan tu....tp lagi byk la aku bersenam....mmg kaw2 kua pelUH...r

email aku dpt arini.......

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Meet Victoria University of Wellington Staff in Malaysia - March 2009

Dear Zaidi ,

You recently enquired with us about studying at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. I hope we have provided all the information you required.

I am writing today to advise you that Ms. Kirsty Drysdale fromhVictoria International will be attending education fairs in Malaysia from the 28th February - 5th March 2009, and that she will be very pleased to see you there.

This is an opportunity to learn more about life at Victoria University of Wellington, as well as to ask her any questions you may have about your studies.

Most importantly, she can advise you on the next step if you would like to submit an application or already have an Offer of Place. Be sure to bring your academic records.

Find a time & location that best suits you in the table below:-

City Location Date Time

Kuala Lumpur

Impiana KLCC Hotel
13 Jalan Pinang
Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 2147 1111

28 February
11.00am - 5.00pm

Subang Jaya

Sheraton Subang Hotel
Jalan SS 12/1
47500 Subang Jaya
Tel: 03 5031 6060

1st March
11.00am - 5.00pm


Traders Hotel Penang
Magazine Rd
10300 Penang
Tel: 04 262 2622

5 March
1.00pm - 6.00pm

If you are unable to attend a fair, you may wish to visit our website to obtain more information on studying at Victoria University of Wellington and Wellington city.

Our team members are also available to answer any questions you may have. To email us, please use ourrVictoria International Online Support tool.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Kind regards,

Chihleng Tham

Victoria International
Victoria University of Wellington
P.O. Box 600
New Zealand
Ph. +64-4-463-5350

ini adlah antare bende yang masuk email aku arini....x tau la...dah lamer rase nyer aku tny...bru skg die reply....tension aku...tp x tau la nk pg ke tak...lg pn aku dah smbg stdy....x yah la nk tuka2 lagi da....bek stay kat sini jer..x tau la aku nk pg ke tak time ni...kalo ader kwn ok la kot...ader teman...


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Hari ni ader subject circuit theory la....mcm maner ni....nasib baik ni lab jer....kalo leccture gak menakutkan....anyway....lecture advised kalo nk paham subject ni kene ader satu buku...then he suggested this book...but the thgs is...this book dah xde kt pasaran...die pn baru je beli...dan yg die beli tu pun adalah yg terakhir...mcm ner yer nk cari buku tu.....kalo nak order die kate amik mase skit.....sb dari india....pergh jauh tu....so pade kekwn....kalo pernah ternampak ker...jumper ke buku ni bleh la contact sayer...bg tau kt ner bleh dpatkan....tgk pic kat atas tu..


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A wacko who enjoys outdoor so much, and has strong passion in travel, very much into volunteering works, I am all set to take on whatever challenges come in the way, a go-getter

I spit, fart, pee and poop in here! Mind the stink!

Contact me right here 

or over here

Cara Kita

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Ini lah cara terbaru untuk mencari maklumat di internet yang di bangunkan oleh google.....anda boleh la melayari laman web ini www.islamicgoogle.com

----->>>islamonline.net - islamway.com - islam2all.com - islamweb.net - islam-guide.com - al-islam.com - islammessage.com


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hehhee...arini ramai gak kekwn yg dah dtg blog aku...tenkiu d ucapkan....hope more people will discover my blog....as it is, its not just a plain blog...but i got something in it...certainly....u guys got to cari ape kebaikan setiap yg sayer kongsi kan bersamer....sbgai yg mengendalikan blod ini...sudah tentu saye ingin anda turut samer dalm blog ini...so kalo ade paper yg nk di kongsikan mcm biase la...boleh contact saye melalui email...mane nk cri....sila ke profile sayer....comen dan kritikan amat la di alu2 kan...jgn ler malu2...jemput masuk yer...kalo korg rse nk sesuatu yg baru jgn segan bg tau....sekian terime kasih..

Ini lah Post Terbaru.....

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erm....ntah la arini mcm lagi teruk jer....ye r...ble dpt result quiz agak mengecewakan...tapi x pe la...asal kita terus mencuba.....itu yg lebih penting...so...mcm biaser jer arini....jumpe kwn...duduk same2 stdy then balik umah......xde pe yg istimewa cuma ade la mamt ni pagi2 cakap pasl cincin pas tu ade lak minah ni pun samer gak...2-2 kt ym ade msg yg samer cincin ape ntah la...kwn2 aku la sape lagi...on jer ym ader lak perkataan tu...hehehheee....erm...mcm ne lak tu....hairan gak...tp mlas r nk kaco daun.......arini gak berkenalan la dgn kekwn baru.....cube tgk kat atas tu...heheheeee...

seronok gak la...xde la seteruk yg di sangka....anyway....now...whtever it is....life kene go on gak..even though i just started my degree...i was not so smooth though at first.....but then....because driven by my +ve thg....eveything was even better now...hope i will last longer than wht i thought...pade kekwn yg selalu bg support tu....mmg trime kash byk2 la....ssh nk dpt kwn mcm ni skg...tp papehal pn korg stay in touch la....sebab kalo dgr dan tgk video ni dpat kekuatan gak kekadng....video ni pasal realiti kehidupan pelajar mase kini....tgk la ni yer...