...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

KLCC Earth Hour

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There you have it...those photos were taken on March 28, at 8.30...you see that crowd...yeah..

People had gathered there as early as 8.00 though..

We were all eagerly waiting...

The best part was when everybody was counting down the moment...

In fact i had so much fun though..being there, see it live..probably that was the first time KLCC TWIN TOWERS went dark...for one hour...that was the spirit showed by all Malaysian, when we unite everything is possible....yeah...well done...

Indeed surrounding buildings also participated, if you were there...you can feel and experience the darkness....so cool....

Soon i will upload videos on that night...be on the lookout for that....

A Miracle

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Got a great story today, while browsing some buds blog, i stumble upon this compelling friend's blog of mine...it got one interesting article extracted from local daily i suppose...

It really had drawn my attention..how lucky we are...here it goes...SPM results was just released a couple of weeks back whether you aware or not..did you notice far in the west there was one unfortunate girl living in poverty had managed to score 20 A's...wow..that was so incredible...

You see, even though she lives in predicament....but she never let that be wet blanket for her...she is so positive....Her dad is just a fisherman and mom as a cleaner....all obstacles she managed to overcome making me to think...why are there some of us who lucky enough...simply take for granted all things that we have...? To be genuine, me either....

That was kinda sad when come to think of it....now i realised and learned something....i am so fortunate....i have almost everything that ever wanted....should never let it be in vain...i must start from now on, utilise to the max every fortunate given to me...it seems easy...but the truth is, it harder...the most crucial point of this story, be always positive....this is just like a force that will drive you toward something...

One Crowded Hour

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This is theme song for Earth Hour from Augie March, an Aussie band

Now should you expect to see something that you hadn't seen
In somebody you'd known since you were sixteen;
if love is a bolt from the blue, then what is that bolt but a glorified screw?
and that doesn't hold nothing together
Far from these nonsense bars and their nowhere music it's making me sick
And I know it's making you sick
There's nothing there, it's like eating air
It's like drinking gin with nothing else in
And that doesn't hold me together.

But for one crowded hour, you were the only one in the room
And I sailed around all those bumps in the night to your beacon in the gloom
I thought I had found my golden September in the middle of that purple June
But one crowded hour would lead to my wreck and ruin

And I know you like your boys to take their medicine
From the bowl with a silver spoon
Who run away with the dish and scale the fish by the silvery light of the moon
Who were taught from the womb to believe till the tomb
That as far as their bleeding eyes see
Is a pleasure pen, meant for them, builded and rent for them
Not for the likes of me
Not for the like of you and me

And for one crowded hour, you were the only one in the room
And I sailed around all those bumps in the night to your beacon in the gloom
I thought I had found my golden September in the middle of that purple June
But one crowded hour would lead to my wreck and ruin

Oh but the green-eyed harpy of the salt land
She takes into hers my hand
She says, "Boy I know you're lying
Oh but then, so am I,"
And to this I said "Oh well."

Well put me in a cage full of lions, I learned to speak lion
In fact I know the language well
I picked it up while I was versing myself in the languages they speak in hell
That night, the silence gave birth to a baby
They took it away to her silent dismay
And they raised it to be a lady
Now she can't keep her mouth shut

And for one crowded hour, you were the only one in the room
And I sailed around all those bumps in the night to your beacon in the gloom
I thought I had found my golden September in the middle of that purple June
But one crowded hour would lead to my wreck and ruin

For one crowded hour, you were the only one in the room
Well I played a few songs for those bumps in the night
In fact I played this very tune
You said, "What is this six-stringed instrument but an adolescent loom?"
And one crowded hour would lead to my wreck and ruin.

Earth Hour 2009

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Earth Hour is one day just for one hour where we switch off all the lights as a positive effort to fight Global Warming issue, this unique campaign was started last year by one city that is Sydney, Australia.

Since then, Earth Hour has gone global as many major cities show their interest and support, and this year, Malaysia has seriously participated. KLCC as the most prominent landmark in Kuala Lumpur and crowned as the tallest twin towers in the world will for the first time ever go dark for one hour, as a positive response toward this issue....

Come we together, do our part....just for an hour starting from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm on March 28, 2009...shut down your computer, switch off all ligths...this program whether you realise or not will indirectly and ultimately unite us as one....around the world will go dark....show your support...click here

Pengembaraan Bermakna

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Ada banyak sangat benda menarik arini yang nak di kongsikan...tension sebenarnyer...modem WIMAX aku rosak...bile call customer service dorg lagi ntah ape-ape cakap...ade lak tu siap main2...memang buat aku sakit ati betol...so arini aku ade peluang nak pegi sane amik modem baru...

first pagi tadi, aku pg tempat stdy aku...nak settle kan urusan penting sangat...tapi bkn la pagi pn aku pg dalam tengahari....jumpe la kekwn kelas aku...dorg yg tegur...aku tak perasan pun...so lepas settle urusan kat situ aku balik umah...relax jap sebelum memulakn self-discovery...pengembaran yg mencabar...mane lagi aku kene pegi pejabat WIMAX tu kat Jalan Templer, Petaling Jaya uh aku tak penah lepas lagi pegi sane lagi...mmg mencabar la...tapi aku mmg ske merayou pun...hahahaa..

So pas dah relax aku ready la nak pegi...naik train la ape lagi...dari umah aku, cuaca panas giler...tkde pulak tanda nak hujan....jadi aku tak expect la nt hujan...dlm perjalanan dari LRT Putra tu..mcm biase...amik train la ape lagi...lame tul dlm train...dah la stesen g aku nk stop tu 3 stesen terakhir aduh mak oi....tu satu hal...pas tu x dpt lak nak duduk..lagi la bengang aku...smpai syesen KLCC...tu dia...kambing masuk kandang...uh...terhimpit aku...

Sabar je la aku dalam train tu...nasib baik ade IPOD TOUCH kesayangan aku...dapt gak la dgr lagu...pas tu ape lg tgk la movie kegemaran aku...Family Guy fuh...lega la jugak....tapi aku x ske la org malaysia ni...dorg ni ske sgt tgk2...mcm seolah-olah aku ni belagak dgn bende mcm tu...mmg sakit gak ati tu...relax la...kalo pg U.K pn x mcm tu.....hehehehe...aku ade bawak buku...tapi nak bace mcm x selesa jer...sebab kene berdiri la...sakit tul pingang...xde sape simpati kat aku...cian tul....ahhhaaa...gurau jer...

Dalam perjalanan tu smapi stesen mne ntah aku pn lpe...tp mmg dh nk dekat dgn destinasi aku...hujan turun dgn lebatnyer...mmg kecewa gak...ingat nak patah balik....tapi x boleh sebab aku dah jauh..rugi tasenyer...aku teruskan jugak la...smpai kat sane hujan...aku ingt nk amik teksi...tapi x nmpk satu pn...aih...mmg pening gak aku...pas tu ade la satu teksi ni nasib baik die lalu...tu pn die anta org...uh tak susah pn cri tmpt tu....so masuk dlm amik no giliran....tunggu je la kat kaunter tu...lame gak la...nasib baik mase dlm menunggu tu hijan pn dah berhenti lega aku...kalo x mcm mne la nak balik...smpai giliran aku...lame gak tunggu..nak settle kes aku kejap jer...die ganti dgn MODEM yg baru...pa dah abis semua, aku p kua...ingt nk amik teksi kt depan tu jer...tp sume x nak berhenti...

Bangunan die depan Highway...so susah gak la teksi nk berhenti....aku lame gler...berjam-jam tunggu...x dapt2 gak teksi...aku siap tnye org kt kawasan tu mcm ne nk pg stesen lrt....sume cakap susah...aih...cuak dah aku...x lame tu ade sorg abg ni die lalu...aku selambe je la tnye..
"nk tnye mcm mne nak pg stesen lrt" pas tu aku nmpk die pakai baju WIMAX..sah la die keje kat situ...die pn ternagkan la mcm2..pas tu..die offer naik dgn die....so mase jalan2 same2 nk pegi kat kete die tu...kitorg borak la pasl mcm2...terutama WIMAX nyer service la...

Upenye mamt ni duk selayang jer...dekat la sgt dgn umah aku...so dlm kete byk gler kitorg borak...pasl telco punye industry la...ape lg...die pn byk pengalam dlm telcom comp...sb die pnh keje dgn TM....byk bende baru aku tau pasl telco ni...pasal berukband...eh salah broadband...die ni berpangkat gak...uh ape lg mase tu aku tembak mcm2 pasal service WIMAX...bru die tau..sakit ati lepas gak....hahahaha..byk tul pengalamn aku dpt beb...pas tu die drop aku kat KL SENTRAL...fuh susah r nk cari org mcm tu zaman sekarang...walaupun die x kenal aku....tp die berani nak tolong...mmg die trust la aku...kalo x...ntah la..mcm mne aku nk balik...berjam-jam aku stuck kat sane...mcm2 care aku try nak balik...nasib baik die ade...selamat duit teksi aku...dan duit train aku...KL SENTRAL dekat sikit...hehehehe..pas tu die g amik isteri die keje kat area KL SENTRAL tu...

Sampai KL Sentral...lapar la plak...aku g mkn kat Kenny Rogers Rooster...ni dah kali kedua aku mkn kat situ...cmm syok la plak...tapi aku semakin pokai la..hehehe...walau mkn sorg...ni pic kat sane

tp pengembaraan arini..mmg bes la...aku kenal org baru.....yg baik ati sanggup tolong... dunia ni mcm-mcm la..tak sangke....ble balik umah dapat online...bes tul...aku ni mmg ske jln sorg2....dpt discover bende baru...kdg2 dapt gak kenal kwn2 baru.....

Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah

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hikhihkhikk...aku x dpt pg Sunburst 09..sb ade hal peribadi...terpaksa la bg kt kawan aku nyer abg .....yg nk kawen dah tak lame lg...xpe la bg je la dorg berseronok...bgus gak tu..pas ni dorg kawen x yah aku susah nk pikir nk bg hadiah ape...dtg2 je ckp je la..la bang x kn dah lupe kot ari tu dah bg hadiah honeymoon g Sunburst...x kan nk mintak lagi kot..mahal tu bro..satu tiket RM 230 dah la due lak tu..bleh bli hpone baru tu.....hahahahhaa..papehal pun....hidup dah semakin teruk ni....kena lakukan sesuatu...sebelum ianya menjadi parah....

ape2 pun...aku kene jugak cari penyelesaian ni...aih...pening la aku lg....dah xtau la....perjalanan yg mmg x mudah....setiap detik buatkan aku lagi x keruan.....memikirkan benda ni...

arini...x banyak perkembangan mcm biase...dah berminggu mcm ni...aku ingat nk kua td...tp mcm xde mood lak...so bek duk umah jer....td g jog jap....care terbaik nak release tension aku....di saat genting mcm ni...pergh...bahaye je bunyi nye tu...xde la sampai mcm tu sekali....

dah agak lame aku tak post kat sini ape2...semenjak my world turned upside down....cant really figure out best way to escape from this problem.....aiyah...why is it too complicated to handle....but nt aku sambung lagi...hehehhee

Ade Lagi Pics PokoK Tido

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ini jalan utama nak masuk...
Ini mat2 payung...yang nak tolog payung kan pokok yang tido tu....eh salah....nak tolong bangun kan pokok tu...dorg sedang melakukan roundtable....mcm ne nk selesai kan masalh ni...mase ni BADAWI baru sampai kat UIA

Alahai...kiut nyer pokok ni....

tu sape nyer bontot kete ntah r....wah ade baek nyer no tu...ade chance....dosa la beb.....WLN 1119

Bontot kete lagi.....nasib bek kete ni selamat....kalo tak dah nangis tuan die....xpe mase ni tuan die tgh concentrate study beb...ye r mase hujan...x pn tgh concentrate...buat oeta kat bantal..

Pokok Tido Tengah Jalan..

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Bila bumi tidak lagi di hayati kehijauan nya inilah apa yang akan terjadi...

Gambar-gambar ini di ambil semasa aku selesai menguruskan hal pertukaran program aku...

masa tu hujan lebat yang teramat...kilat memancar...siap ade puting beliung labi beb...

tak sangak pas kau keluar ade pokok lak tumbang akibat kuasa itu tadi....tak sangak betul....ntah tetiba aku nampak ade lak trailer besar giler kat laluan nak masuk ke BMI tu...apesal nath kot die terkejut cuak pas pokok tumbang..dah tak tau dia nak lari mane lagi...tu lah nasihat untuk pemandu lori tu...tu lah ingat boleh lepas ke...suka2 hati jer masuk...kan dah tersekat sekali denagn pokok...tak dapt la kau nak keluar...aku report je kat bos ko...tak ikut undang2 betol....dah la tu tinggal je lori kat situ.....menghalang laluan org...tension aku...pemandu dah lesap ke mana tak tau la aku....mesti die meyorok di sebalik pokok tu...hahahhaha...

pada penungang kuda eh salah....motosikal...selamat la boleh ikut jalan belakang...pada staff BMI...anak2 dorg sape la yg nk kene amik ka sekolah tu...aih...redho je la....takdir...dan ade hikmah nyer....komen la post aku ni....


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One more issue that i have to deal with...now everything is complicated...what i have planned obviously did not working out.... probably due to improper preparation...by the way let put the past behind...as it it...i have to go on to back up plan....

But one thing for sure, i will keep moving forward....there is no turning back....i did enjoyed it...even though it was hurtful....this is what i used to refer to as challenges....life would be so dull if there is nothing happen...

Sunburst 2009

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Ini lah lumrah kehidupan...sama ada kita sedar atau tidak.....kita sedang berada dalam perjuangan untuk sesuatu yang lebih baik......sama ada kita suka atau tidak......kita harus tempuhi nya....

Apa yang aku telah lakukan mungkin agak sukar untuk di fahami....tetapi itu adalah apa saja yg telah aku plan....aku tak nak sia2 setiap masa yg aku ada....aku sudah cukup terseksa di permainkan oleh orang yang hipokrit....mereka terlalu penting diri mereka sendiri...

Kenapa harus aku dengar setiap perkataan yang mereka lontarkan....aku bukan boneka....yang di kawal oleh alat kawalan jauh atau apa saja.....aku yang seharus nya menentukan dan mencorakkan perjalanan ini......sejak dari hari itu....segala urusan masa depan aku terganggu....mereka pula yang lebih beriya-iya....apa yang aku harus buat...walaupun segala di taja....tapi aku ada matlamat hidup sendiri....seperti mereka....sudah ada kerjaya....tapi mereka tidak pernah menilai perasaan dan segala kesan tindakan mereka....

Terlalu kecewa untuk aku nyatakn....aku dah banyak belajar dari semua ini....dan dah tiba masa aku bangun semula....keperitan yang sedang aku lalui ini.....amat la besar.....cukup kali ini.....
kenapa harus lawati semula saat2 itu....biar la iya nya terkubut...selamanya....itu la harapan aku.....bilakah saat aku akan tamat segala ini....persoalan yang jawapan sentiasa...terngiang2....
biarkan lah ia terus berdendang....ia akan berakhir pada suatu masa.....yang tidak di ketahui bila...

Other Side oF The World

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I am writing this to let you know that i am still alive....the star is still shining...but not me...i lost direction of life....every second of my effort means nothing.....i am frustrating now....would it be the same again...? i need an answer to this.....

I am trying to regain my conciusnous...get back on track.....and keep moving forward....but it easier said than done....at the moment i need someone to guide me....show the right path of life...

Why? when we have something we simply take it for granted...but once its gone...then we realize...only we appreciate it.....so do i...the same thing is going to me.....

Arent we aware, how lucky we are....chances have been given to us....but we neglect it...there are more people out there now at this time are starving, begging for better life....what happened to me....please come to your sense....think about how fortunate you are...dont let one single thing destroys you...

Whether you aware or not, your life is being shaped there....take it postively...let it be a challenge for you to overcome...they just wanted you to be strong....be prepared for all possibilities....once you graduated...the real world is lying ahead..waiting for you....its just the matter of time...

One thing is conquering your sense, your life is despair......so no wonder why every of your attempts failed...because of that.....use your common sense....bulid up your bravery again....be more confident...in fact you have such a long way to go.....now everything are yours....

This is my story....ever since that day...life has turned upside down....

Life and Identity....

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Sigh....ha...not a relieve, certainly....but a wondering...what is gonna be with me for the next couple of years....its basically a question that i have yet to discover the answer...probably someday...but when? is there any precise time to determine the arrival of this honourable answer? i will be on my knee..another question mark....???????

Sometime i felt the heaviest weight on my shoulder that i have to carry along....i am still wondering...am i in the right track?? could it be i have lost too...that seems no matter to me..as long as i could have it..i will always be fine....

This is another confusion of life that i gotta deal with....i must tackle it down before the destruction it may give coming back....its been so long....but yet i could not do anything about it...there is no way so far...

Allah you are there for me..and you will always be there...save me from it...dont leave me hanging...your my real tower of strength....dont let this confusion put me down...i have suffered from it...and its just about time i regain my life....its so much painful...genuinely say..i cant take it anymore...

It was just yesterday...i went back to my hometown...the atmosphere was quite awkward...as that was my fisrt ever time returned there...people there are so genuine...i could tell from all the treaments they gave me...i had so much fun....the best moment is when we together released those sheeps...oo..bek....wow...i just missed that memorable moment...although its been over ten years Abah passed away...i could still feel like he was there...seems like yesterday we were together...but now...it had changed tremendously...more developement than ever...

But what really come to my surprise...there was mobile coverage there...o..thank god...im still connecting to the world...thanks so much to my favorite TELCOS...CELCOM....a few years back...there is nothing...but now..technology has really evolved...this the true power...and in fact on the same day i got a call from celcom...i got 2 free tickets to SUNBURST 2009...wow....amazing isnt it?

Now i really know where i belong...my dad was a real Chinese from Hainan...i never knew that....i have been told so by my only uncle...new discovery...there so much to be shared...

I Got It

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Its time to make a move.....just give me one more chance...i will never let it be in vain...i just know what i am stand for....its alway on my mind...i really cant get rid of it...

but sometime when come to think of it...i would be better just do it...rather than let it kills myself...but first i got to think about the consequences...what if it does not work out...i am one of risk taker....i would just do whatever i think i wanna do.....

Life is not so much diff....since the day..its still fresh though....but the lesson it had taught me was tremendous....be more positive is one of it....let not anything to influence you...be it someone close to you..or somebody who just hate you....i gotta keep moving forward....

Watch your steps as you may trick..if you are too confident....be humble will save you...probably you never understand what i have been posting after all this...its just about me and my identity confusion....


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orite...one more interesting story that i am going to share with you...today..this book had really got my attention...i was just walking around...i got into this bookstore...then i stumble upon this book..since i am dealing with my time management right now... i guess its just a suitable book to read....

After all i am the member of this bookstore...i have spent over RM 20 to sign up...in case if you dont know..i am really3x..wild about books...if i am feeling down...books just the best healer for me...at first i was thinking to buy it...but then i got to stop myself...why??...believe it or not...last month itself...i have spent nearly RM 300 just for books..but i have yet to finish reading them...oo..thank god...mum doesnt know...

World will be upside down if she discovers....but anyway this book was perfectly made for me...the contents are quite simple plus useful and thoughtful....now what all i gotta do...was to finish reading the previous one....only i can think of this book....

Time is precious....i always let it go...just like that...but this time around...i am ready to make a change...but not drastically...to break the customs that you have set are totally hard....so now....wheter you like it or not...you better get going...time is here...it will no longer waiting for..go and after it...that what you have to do...


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What a shit thing!!!!ooo i have done something that obviously unforgiveable...i thought i could put an end to it..but i did it one more time...that really says it all...i am a loser...how colud it happen to me againn!!...but this time it proved that i have totally lost my sense of wrong and rite....i am feeling down...all the efforts...down the drain...

i guess...i just dont recognise my self.....who i am..seems no matter now...but...how could i turn everything around??...is that possible?? juzt keep moving forward...put the past behind...start afresh...but one more thing...is it possible for me to retain it??..nobody seems to know.

its a cruelty or crime that you do to yourself....stop pretending....just be what u have to be...
My Lord ALLAH...i had been taught, antyhing goes to me...is what you plan...forgive me..for what i have done.....