...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

If this is the last journey.....

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For an explorer world is a playground for him, hi there...I know it took ages before this entry came up on here as my life is at stake, I have never been feeling well of late.

When you're sick not only the pain will be there to accompany you...but also the fear of death...

As far as I see this is that that is not the solution to all problems, being a muslim and from what I have been taught; it is of paramount important not to give up on everything as much as the saying goes " failure is the real victory ".

Whatever you are planning to do bear in mind that nothing should ever stop you from making it real. No matter how much pain you are in, just go for it.

You only have one life to make that happen, and anything comes after that will not matter anymore.

Even in this condition I still believe that a miracle will come along to lighten the burden and get rid of the anxiety.

I miss all of my old friends....I wish they were here to be with me....

To those I have wronged and each one of you, this could be the last chance for me to seek forgiveness.

Mistakes are part and parcel of one's life and for me perfection is just another human's creation.

Deeds are there to fix the flaws of sins, to make up for what sins aren't able to do. Every inhabited things come in pair as to complement one another even to the extent of a dining table, it won't be called dining table without those chairs around.

The real deal is in here....

Your life here and thereafter begins from this miracle.

I beg for your forgiveness in anything I have done....