...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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salam..pada semua...yer..agak lame gak aku menyepi....bkn la niat untk meninggal kan blog ni...tapi fikairan agak kusut memikirkan mase dpan yg bakal di tempuhi....setalah sekian lama mencuba..akhirnya aku dapat gak ape yang aku nak..

baru2 hari lepas aku dapt pangilan...aku berjaya juga nampak nyer tawaran itu...sekian lama mencuba...dah byk masa dan duit berhabis....syukur tak terhingga....

ape yang betul2 aku harap kan kali ini...semoga ini adalah destinasi terakhir aku....sperti sebelum ini aku ni seorang yg mudah tuka fikiran...susah untuk aku cerita kan...tapi sikap ini la yg telah merosak kan idup aku....setipa saat dlm idup aku....aku berusaha untk mengubah ini semua...bukan suatu yg mudah...tp possible untuk di lakukan....ape yg di perlukan kekuatan..dan pertolongan...mcm biasa..setelah berusaha..berserah...segala nya ada pada ALLAH S.W.T...dia pennetu segala nyer...segala nya adalah pasti dapat di ubah tapi bukan pada tarikh kematian...itu suatu yg tiada siapa dpt menetukan...

Selagi daya ada...akan ku teruskan semua ini...walaupun tidak mudah....apa yg pasti aku ade impian mcm sesape sahaja....dan ini mugkin tempt persinggahan terakhir bagi ku...untk menghidupkan impian ini...setelah berliku jalan yg aku tempuhi...dan bermacam ujian yg aku terpaksa ambil....doakan semoga..kekuatan ini terus segar di bajai iman...aku sudah tidak mampu utk lalui ni semua....

Hidup aku dah tak seindah dahulu...tapi sepanjang perjalanan ni...aku byk belajar tentang makna sebenar kehidupan....

New Thing

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i believe as more exploration we make will eventually yield positive impact....recently i discovered plenty of inspirational blogs by Malaysian...that just the thing to prove the fact that Malaysian really got talent....of all, here is the one that had really caught my attention... http://thebookaholic.blogspot.com/

I guess, its can be a perfect reference spot by books enthusiast, as every week there will be at least one new book being introduced...way to go......go ahead...........check it out...

Blog Kawan

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agak lame gak aku menyepi tak update blog ni...bukan nak katekan busy...tapi masalh nyer...aku dlam dilema...aih...ntah la mcm mane nak cakap.....dalam pada itu aku byk dgr radio dan tgk eh salah..lawat blog org lain...nak dapatkan insiparsi dalam hidup....

salah satu dilema aku dalam seminggu ni...ape lagi masalh internet la...mmg la dlam seminggu ni hujan..pada mase yang same service WIMAX kene impact....sakit ati gak..mane tak nyer...dah berpuluh email di hantar...tapi tak pernah di responyer...bru arini dan semalam aku dapt reply....dorg pun dah janji nak bg 14 days waive untk next month nyer bill....ok la tu...tapi sume keje aku tergendale la....aih...

so arini aku tgk satu blog kawan yg skg ni berada di China...sedang bekerja di sana lah pasal kehidupan masyarakat Islam China...cerita die agak menyedihkan....ni petikan dari blog die....copyright reserved ok....

Sepertimana hari-hari AD yang sibuk, restoran ataupun lebih tepat sekiranya digelar warung kecil merupakan tempat hinggap wajib untuk cacing-cacing diperut yang bergazal sebagai tanda protes yang minta segera diberi mineralnya . ketika sedang sibuk menikmati mee buatan tangan yang ditarik kenyal di kala warung itu sedang melabuhkan tirainya tanda perniagaan harian mereka berakhir merupakan sesuatu gangguan tetapi tetap tetap tidak diendahkan.Memandangkan sudah mesra dan dianggap saudara sehingaa pernah diberi makan percuma selama berminggu-minggu, maka layanan semestinya melebihi daripada pelanggan lain.(iskh..bosan plak ayat2 drama…ok, kembali ke standard penulisan caca marba untuk interprestasi yang lebih menyakinkan – )

borak2 la dgn tokey kedai tu sbb AD pelanggan akhir..masa tu semua kerabat diorang ada untuk sesi gotong royong membersihkan kedai sementara menunggu nasi goreng sayur (beli untuk Mr.Peter yang x turun makan disebabkan dia tidur ketika nak ajak trn makan),maka sesi usrah bermula. Bermula dgn kisah rokok dimana orang islam China haram, org islam Malaysia, BOLEH (apa ek hukum merokok kat Malaysia??makruh ker??)..dkt dua jam borak2 (mcm ayam itik bercakap)…tp masih lagi boleh faham sebab dia tau skit2 arab, ad pun tau skit2 bak senipis kulit bawang..kira match laa bila termasuk dengan bahasa tubuh dan bahasa cina ad yg sgt2 sikit ..selepas kisah pasal rokok di China,pastu ckp pasal IC, pasal kawin, pasal haji, pasal saffron, pasal kupiah (sbb islam disana pakai kupiah kecuali tidur), pasal potong kuku
Last2 masuk bab masjid(masjid ker?)..
Dia ckp, org islam sini dlm 18 keluarga(kalau tak silap), dan masjid mereka yang saiznya sama besar dgn dua bilik tidur single room hotel 1 bintang yang berkarpetkan warna hijau yg nipis tu (yang tuk cover stage)..dia ckp, masjid a.k.a bilik solat tu dikongsi sama2 oleh penduduk islam..(semua penduduk islam tu sebenar bukannya kaya..leh kata semua peniaga..ada yg kipas satay, ada yg bukak kedai(warung ) ada jual nasi goreng. Pendek kata semuanya berbisnes kecil kecilan ..dia ckp imam masjid tak bergaji tetapi menghidupkan masjid dgn baik.ada penyebaran ilmu disituterutama bahasa arab.Gaji imam tu diorg share2 bayar..kekadang rmb300 (rm150), kekadang rmb400(rm200), apa yang ad cuba nak sampaikan ialah masjid (mini) yang daif tu mekar hidupnya. Semasa solat jumaat lepas, kebetulan 2 bos besar datang untuk monitor kerja ad, ad ajak dia solat jumaat bersama (jarak macam dr Kuantan ke Pekan), selepas sesudah solat dia komen yang di Malaysia masjid gah tapi x meriah,kat sini pula masjid daif sedemikian rupa dan dengan islam yang minoriti, mereka “hidup”.ketahuila bilal mereka tidak tahu mengaji dan hanya menghafal sahaja rukun2 bilal dan surah2 lazim.

Untuk imam pula,bayangkan dgn rm200 tuk sebulan?????????????(kos sara hidup sini lebih tinggi dari teluk intan dan skudai, sebagai contoh,nasi goreng dlm RM4) .

Maka AD xnak ckp byk, sesapa yang nak membantu, roger2 laa AD..

New Year Aspirations

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by Malek Ali on 31-Dec-08 22:37(FOUNDER OF BFM...the business station 89.9fm)

A lot more experienced business leaders and commentators have expressed their hopes and apirations for 2009, and I can only humbly point to one which made a particular impression on me.

Tony Fernandes, in his blog, outlined his hopes and aspirations in 9 points. Here are points 1-3 to which I couldn't agree more.

"1) I hope Malaysians will change forever and look at what they can do for the country, instead of relying on the nation to provide everything. We must be positive and see what we can do to make this country a better place. Sitting back and criticising and not changing will just not work anymore. And I do hope that when we speak, we present our views clearly, rationally and with sensitivity instead of doing so anonymously. So many of those who post their views on blogs, for instance, just criticise and do so anonymously. If there is something to be said, say it openly and be prepared to defend your views in open debate.

2) We as a community must demand more from our education system. If our national schools eradicate their deficiencies and all were more like Victoria Institution or St. John’s, for instance, Malaysians of all races will be lining up to send their kids to national schools. There would then be no need to waste time on pointless debates about vernacular schools and such. Get the national schools right, and we will be on our way. It’s about providing the people with palatable choices.

3) We have to improve the standard of English among our kids. If we are to be globally competitive, then you can't run away from the need for a high standard of English. That's not saying we should not also be fluent in our own mother tongues. How I wish I could speak other languages. Imagine if all our kids could fluently speak English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil or Hindi! How powerful that would be! But we must be masters at English."

I can only humbly add, that in my short span of seeing folks come our studios to be interviewed, there are many bright and articulate Malaysians among us. I am actually amazed that we still do generate such quality of people inspite of our education system. Can you imagine if we had an education system that nurtures and harnesses such innate talents and diversity?

Tony's point 8 has special resonance for me in the context of BFM:

"8) I hope Malaysians will take a grip of their own lives and design their own destiny. Don't complain, don't wait for handouts, go out there and make a difference..."

Happy New Year!

Fresh Graduates - What Employers Are Looking For

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Suresh Thiru, COO of JobStreet.com, was on The Breakfast Grille yesterday, facing a tougher-than-usual line of questioning from Alan Bligh (a fate we reserve specially for good friends and affiliates). But to Suresh's credit, he moved the discussion to what became the key takeaway of the interview.

Suresh cited a recent JobStreet.com's survery of Malaysian employers on the employability of fresh graduates, a very vulnerable group during recessionary times. JobStreet.com's findings? Malaysian employers say that the No. 1 criterion for their decision on whether to hire a fresh graduate: Their command of English.

In this respect, Malaysian employers are no different from multinationals. I met Kam Raslan for a chat on his visit from Shanghai a couple of months back. I asked him for his impressions of China. Without hesitation, he said it was the image of hawkers and stallholders huddled over an English dictionary learning the language word by word. English is perceived to be the meal ticket to a great career with a mulitnational.

A nation of 1.2 billion people recognises the importance of the English language as the common language of commerce. And here we are, tiny little Malaysia, quibbling about whether or not we should continue to teach mathematics and sciences in English. That's how parochial we are.

The same afternoon after Suresh's interview, I met Andy Robinson of The Expat Group, publisher of the The Expat magazine. We were talking about the My Second Home programme, and he mentioned about how much Malaysia would stand to benefit if we just allowed people over 55 under the programme to work part-time in Malaysia. Many of them could teach English in local schools and colleges, jumpstarting our revival in the English language arena.

There are also plenty of teacher training colleges in the UK whose students would love to spend a year teaching English in a foreign country. Japan, Thailand and China welcome them with open arms. And they will work for a small living allowance. It's the experience that matters more to them.

So we have identified an important need, and several solutions.

You bet. It's on the BFM agenda.

(this post is dedicated to Mr Scarlett and Dr Kilburn, my English teachers during my secondary school days, and to Alvin Heng, an occasional commentator on this blog and the BFM forum, whom, of his own accord, took the trouble of going through the whole BFM webste and correcting our (my) grammar.

spot on...while struggling with my english...im still feel sad about the seriousness of lectures nowadays in applying english as the main instruction medium...they seem to take it for granted...in fact their english are even worse...with lack of strict implementation, we have to suffer the consequences....

Its Back

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a major mistake you ever made in life...its something which playing around my head all the time...
Genuinely say, yes i ever did a huge disasterous mistake in life, so did you i believe.....

There is nothing you can do about the fact that none of us is perfect...i ever had a length conversation with someone which i cant hardly place him right now..apparently time has corrupted my memory...What he ever said to me...no matter how gigantic was that mistake...let it not to take you down....

Positively he was right...i went thru some tough moment in life....i always wanted something that was not really what i desired....i will alternately change mind...cant stick with one....after done lots of reading i finally realised that i am in crisis of identity confusion...

Google it if you wanna know more, so now it is a hard time for me....every single step that i take to tackle down this problem...worthless...after one therapy to another....its just one big wastage..

I lost the spine of my strenght, the most crucial part of my life...its gonna takes awhile to recover...but i am trying to erase this word from the vocabulary of my life...that is 'give up' or 'surender'.....but it will not last longer...it will re-appear...this is the thing that i am afraid of....


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oo..crap..its been 4 nights in a row experiencing low internet connection since i subscribed to Wimax, Its been the most protracted one...this is just drive me up the wall...double all the existing backlogs....

Even after several emails have been sent, but they have yet to tackle the problem...and even worse online bill has already popped up on my email this morning......its time of the month again...to pay the bill...by the way.... whatever it is..i will just see..if it prolongs...ok here comes the solution, terminate...that is right...i will do it ....no hesitation...

I made a few phone calls before to their customer service unit...if i can rate level of service renders to customer, i would just give it average...they are not well trained and serius....