...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...



When something really bad befalls upon your life in just split seconds it makes you as if live in world that is too strange.
After one then comes another, I once asked whether this is some sort of test god lays upon me?
Every minute seems like the turning point for something negative to happen.
The deeper I drill inside my soul the brighter light I see from the wreckage of my life.
And it turns out that the light is a way for god to clarify blurriness and uncertainties that have been daunting me for years.
Now I put undisputed trust in it.
Too bad when comes to think that I am not allowed to do anything but stay at home, ever since I lost touch with the world and anything surrounds me.
My brain has been working for the past a few months trying to locate the missing part in my journey towards finding the truth.
I should not be hoping any longer, should I?
Its time to leave the bad behind, erase the trails it created and keep moving forward as the Walt says.
Hoping for one that lost hope in his life, if you have no hope over winning something you have failed before you know it.
That part may stop right there.
We begin with a new story, for the followers of this blog in case you have yet to notice, I am turning from facebook-er to twitter freak.
I tweet almost everyday and should I mention each seconds no matter what I do or wherever I go, and its all possible with twitter for blackberry an application that has been installed in blackberry, well if that isn’t strong to convince that point, you may stay on this page and twist your eyes to the twitter board at the right side of this page and check out the flow yourself...hehehe....
I have fallen for this new social site immediately after my account is activated, perhaps I must say here the only reason for me to be on twitter is to share my thoughts in the most uniquely limited characters of 140, at this point your communications skills are toughly judged.
I don’t know you can easily gain new friends here till I feel like I know them for ages although I never meet them in person nor hear their voice, but there is more about it I should share as we go.
What so great about twitter is that it can be linked to many other social networking webpages, and that includes your very own website or blog not to forget facebook. Eventually it conveniently helps you keep your, be it followers or buddies posted at all time of what you up to, what event you attend and stuffs like that.
Going back about new pals I mentioned in the two last paragraphs up there, please be advised that even though they follow you right there on twitter but that doesn’t mean they are just following for nothing.
Lets not thrash the entire blame upon all, because one spoiled apple in a basket wont ruin the rest. Its just some minority cases, you can find the best one to chat with but beware the person may have other intention towards you.
I went through some life changing experiences when looks become more crucial element in determining who you befriend with rather than the meaning of friendship itself, and that has had me hurt severely. I value each corner of friendship which we all tight together but as something like this come about, I tend to show disrespect for whoever you are out there.
I say sorry for un-following some and had you blocked from accessing my profile anymore.
I set new rules where I won’t simply grant approval for future friends request. Thank you.


17 July 2010 at 19:16

First time dtg sini!! :)

nasib baik lah aku tak kena bane dgn ko dr twitter list.. Hahaha

Btw mmg betul certain ppl just follow tapi tak pernah nak berbual pun. So what's the point???

Tapi tiba2 teringat kata2 hikmah nih.. *tiba2*

There's only two type of ppl in there world. The one that entertain and the one that observe..

25 July 2010 at 03:54

betol ape, menyakitkan ati dan mata baca tweets mengalir mcm air terjun tapi bila tegur tak endah, bila dah tak nampak kau tweet kat situ baru tanye, aku ckp je direct aku dh unfollow huhu