...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

My Own Death

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I've had one too many, the ordeals in which I am being put to test are like hidden knife stuck in my soul. One tick of movement could eventually slice my heart to my own death.

I write this as one of many ways to lift some of the burdens off my shoulder if not all. Seems like its come to the breaking point. Without knowing it, surprisingly I have worked on silently the attempt of killing myself.

Just look at the gap left in between of the then-and-now posts sums it up best of how my life is being tortured mercilessly.

Idiocy! Outrageous! Words I can shout out!

It is not that I never try, but to no avail. In that journey I've lost my loved ones and yet I fail to see light through the wreckage of that regrets.

Wish all you want! I wish that I had no wish at all. It brings me no good.

Being a stupid daydreamer does me never good. Every circumstance surrounds the life I am in now is very much influenced by the people I meet all around me.

If I ever had one wish, I would have never wanted to be defined by these people.

Excuse the brevity of this post, I am mourning still over the loss of my loved ones for I have sinned and done them wrong.

Have a good day!