...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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Putting your life behind?

So here is one thing that I have never realized before taking up this job. Its been kinda trend lately, we encounter the same stressed situation over the past week, or is it because its was Christmas and new year that was coming along at the time? Well, that could be one of the reasons too.

They tend to take advantage during festive season to do this vicious racket.

Alright, this is exactly what I am trying to tell you guys, be a front-liner is not as easy as what most of you imagine, you know why, scroll down and you will be surprise to find things like these in a shipment!!….have a look for yourself,

HUMAN PLACENTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those are stuffs that not allowed to be transported by commercial courier companies, and that also might be considered as unlawful goods for some countries. (obviously, who would have thought that a nice craving wood photo frame could have all these at the back-side of it) 

In fact I was the one who performed that inspection, and walaaa….!!

How do we know? That is such an excellence question; you can immediately tell by just looking at the reaction that the shipper might display whenever they are asked on the contents.

In the event that they look refused or unsure of what is inside, this is it that the the chances of the package to contain prohibited commodities is high and therefore we will conduct further investigation, if it does contain such things, we will drag in the police….Suspicious enough la tu….!!

In case you do not know that anything that is to be shipped via any channel be it air or ocean its a mandatory to go through a tight inspection procedure with no exception, this is in order to make sure that the rules that have been set by the shipment’s destination countries respectively are met.

So if you want smooth delivery, please abide by the regulations. (aku pulak kena pg balai bg keterangan…edit CCTV…pening2..)

So watch out!!! You can’t never get away with it….if you ever tried it before, and later wondered why it never get to the person, now you have the idea....

PS : why is it hard to send stuffs overseas? check this out : this strict guidelines are provided to ensure the safety of all level within the network of carriers.