...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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Mayday…mayday…(unusual way to start something right?-laugh )what a peculiar month, I have been jobless quite awhile give and take its already a month after flunking in attempt to finish my study. If you are sort of ardent fan for this idiot blog I believe you had ever seen or read one entry that I posted here a couple of month back. The post resumes…hehehehe

To recall, here it is, I decided to pull myself out of college since I encountered the most absolutely terrified experience being a student for as long as I can remember.

The management of this so-called university which does not seem so at all, was crazy. I have never been to such horrified place ever in my life. The moment I set my foot at the place, there was such weird feeling consumed me. It was not as what I wanted nor ever imagine. My first exciting impression turned to nightmare the minute I stepped into my very first class and there how this creepy nightmare kept hunting me till the last day I was there and even now, but not too often, its just once awhile. I think I should put an end to it for now.

Step that I took this time was apparently incorrect. Now I am stuck in it, my life turned upside down. I never realized that the consequences were too heavy to be burdened. Life is really a journey as we travel it opens us new perspective on our life and guides us through the right path. It is true when someone says - it does not matter how we end it but what we get during the journey. We encounter victory in failure. I did promised that (UNIVERSITY) would be my last stop but turned out to be the other way around.

o…my life is so pathetic. Since the day I made up my mind to quit study, everything changed. I turned to be online addict ever since, where anything comes second. My tendency to take future for granted was unpredictable. Sometime when I was in deep tense state, I tended to try absolutely something new which is obviously wrong.

I know there must be something behind these. God put me in it, my time will certainly comes someday because GOD’s delays are not GOD’s denials. I have such a long to go, this is not my destiny and let it alone.

Alright now here we come to the joyful part, I resolve from this moment onwards I will start afresh. Live up new hope, new determination. I suppose this the junction where I will make a U-TURN which heading me down to the thoroughfare of my life. I am glad that I am still who I am. Hope it stays that way forever. So next week a brand new journey begins with new hope. I am going back to work for few months then I will be starting new diary of my life. Time has really showed up. Till then,

Thanks everyone for always being there through thick and thin.

Say No to P1 WIMAX

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Hi guys, yeah indeed, its been quite awhile, but now i am back with a brand new entry. What i am gonna to post this time is absolutely true, it is my personal experience with P1 WIMAX... it may sounds familiar to some of you or may be not.

P1 is the first company that fully utilizes wimax technology here in Malaysia. Since its inception, WIMAX has succesfully resolved outstanding issues on broadband penetration in this country and as for me, among first batch who has been using this technology up to now finds its not that reliable. Why did i say that, for the past a few months subscribing this so-called high speed broadband service, the major and core trouble that i regularly face is the connectivity speed.

Whether you believe it or not, during massive downpour you will frequently experience service interupption or no signal at all. That is not all, i am currently in the mid of fight over some unreasonable billing issue arose.

That is why, over the month i kept on getting asked, " why do say no to this service, but you are using it" let me put it this way, as soon as my contract with this unreliable and yet crap broadband operator expire i would certainly switch back to CELCOM BROADBAND. First the speed is getting slow over the time - all the time, when i lodged my complaints, they kept giving me the same make-no sense response which sometime had made me laugh. The worse case now is, when one day i had been contacted by this stupid company to offer new service, given trial period is 15-days, they promised to deliver a new set modem and phone within 2 working days, but it was only delivered surpassed the trial period so this means i have to pay for the usage but that is fine,

The only thing that i really could take when its not what it cracked up to be, this indian girl promised and kept getting attacked with the same question by me, " will i be charged if i decide to terminate my subscription within the trial period or after the trial period, but she confidently said "no sir" but transpired it was a business trick, i asked her thrice. This month i have been billed unreasonable fee. So at the moment i am in the mid of struggle to defense my rights as consumer.

I had enough with them, now i urge people out there, please be extra vigilant, do not fall into their shit gimmick snare...or you will be doomed.....

Perompak Masjid

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Salam....agak lame jugak aku tak update blog aku ni...maaf la semue..agak sibuk ler kebelakangan ni...so hari ni ade rase dan peluang nk tulis entry baru kat blog...

Hari ni aku panas betol...tersangat-sangat ler sakit ati...dah la dlm bulan ramadhan yg mulia...di sebabkan perbuatan orang lain aku pahala aku jadi kurang....aku angin lagi ni...

Kalau sekali 2 aku leh sabar lagi...siap aku maaf kan lagi org2 tersebut...tp kalo dah tahap menyeksa kan idup org lain....mmg aku tk leh bla....

Kaki aku koyak sebab jatuh semalam....bile selipar aku ilang ari ni...dah ler tu hari jumaat...mmg kire aku kalo boleh nak cari je perompak tu idup2...hari jumaat..bulan puase...tk abis2 nk menyusah kan orang.....

Ini peringatan pade org yang tak berotak pergi masjid....lain kali cuba la pakai selipar yg ok bukan yg lusuh2 pergi masjid...ini tak kalo selipar korg dah putus dan rosak...mula nk merampok selipar org lain.....guna akal!!!!!.....cube kalo korg kene...aku tk pernh seumur idup aku amik selipar org lain ko tau tak....smpai kalo selipar aku ilang pn aku pergi pinjam selipar tnadas masjid...pas tu pulang balik...sebab aku tau kalo aku amik seipar org lain...die akan rase ape yg aku rase........

So manusia yg pergi rumah ALLAH....berfikir sedalam-dalam nyer...jgn nk ikut senang jer...



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Agak lama jugak aku tak update blog aku ni....nak kata busy tak de la sanagt tapi cuma tertekan sikit.....dah beberpae minggu jugak ALLAHYARHAM YASMIN AHMAD passed away...tp kehangatan masih lagi kuat...tu la apa yang aku dapat rasakan...

so baru tadi aku nonton FESTIVAL FILEM MALAYSIA....ada la jugak beberapa anugerah yang YASMIN AHMAD menang....

aku ni mmg minat sangat dgn dia...terutama iklan dan peribadi dia...secara jujur nya..aku tak pernah menonton any og her movies yet...

ntah la setiap hasil karya beliau kadang2 membuat kan kita berfikir...dan beliau sendiri pernah cakap..."saya buat filem bukan kerna duit" itu terlalu jelas sebenarnye untuk di pertikaikan..

dan beliau pun pernah candidly cakap about being colorless....sebab tu la sume iklan yang die buat..die cuba menerapkan element perpaduan......rasa cinta dia pada negara mmg kuat....tak hairan la masa pengebumian beliau ramai gak org bangsa lain yg bersama-sama pada ketika itu....

biar pun dalam festival filem malaysia kali ni dia tak menang besar...tapi legacy yang dia tinggal kan lebih besar dari itu....