...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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Left behind is not an option, so instead of being the last to cross the finish line, it would be rather appropriate to pick up the pace and join the crowd.

Well that is the least you could achieve, isn't it if not being a winner.

I am a type that never feels great when being left behind or out of the crowd. At least that is what I used to be.

Apparently now it is a whole lot of different story. A new venture I never attempted in the first place.

I guess this in one way or another contributes to the fact that I am getting lazy day by day.

I couldn't help feeling sorry for myself. Why?

Everyday as I get out of my bed and thought to myself that it was a new chapter; fresh morning in hopes that the plans I had made the night prior would go smoothly.

As it turns out, never so apparently.

Recently diagnosed with decent high blood pressure, it is indeed a wake up call that fails to wake me up at all.

I work hard in putting back myself to the right track, I just want to live the life I used to live in.

To help occupy my time, I resorted to doing stuff that I would later regret for.

Would it be nice if for once I could turn the clock around and sort of go back to the old days.

I missed out on so many great things in my life, and my friends too; how badly I need them now.

Sadly too few that sticks by in time like this.

This is never meant to toot my own horn, evidently I am a friend would always be there in time of another friend needs help or just for an accompany.

Despite all this, we are still friends, I never ask a favor in return, but a short reply of "hi" would be lovely.

All of Me

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