...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya,

Maaf Zahir dan Batin,

Shoot the bird

+ 1 comment

I did it, see, this is what happened I have de-activated my twitter account on purpose for some annoying reasons.
1.       It makes me sick when seeing a bunch of morons bitching around about other people, let me tell you this, to my amazement hahaha it is direct reference of you!

2.       Don't be real moron, if you say (ooo...shoot me in the head) “don’t talk shit” (you owe me my huge asshole appreciation anyway) in attempt to smoothing things and again he actually twists his fingers to point back right to his own face!

3.       Don’t flatter yourself as though a princess prancing down the hallway, probably it is best for you to cease your steps halfway and look carefully into mirror!

4.       If you just wanna show that you have a blog, then you get the heck out of my face!

5.       Force someone to go over to your blog, for what?? Piercing eyes just to check out some article you dig out from someone else’s ass? Or to keep the bars of your monthly traffic graph skyrocket? I did it once in blue moon if only it’s worth sharing but then again, yours are nothing but craps!!! Please la wehhh....!!!

6.       More followers, can anyone tell me why do we need a horde of followers when what they do is only dumping your timeline with stinky tweets? 

7.       A lot more.....sigh....

I might be signing up for a new account in near future, and yeahh...I will be spending the remaining months of my break somewhere, plane ticket is ready, room has been booked, Joe whasssup...? off to Hull.....
