...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Sooner or Later

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sooner or later, why the word 'or' be in the middle? its a matter of choice that weather it is now or future.

My mind keeps helplessly working on more new plans for this year almost around the clock...till up to a point the urge to abandon my studies and all the things I sort of enjoy now becomes stronger - strike in full force- and stands in the way.

Redirect, reshape and rethink.

I'll be off to Japan in the mid of this year for a number of reasons as for this time around I shall not make all chances available for my self-betterment be in total vain.

Looking back the korea trip, I had brought nothing along home but memories. No, this is an once-in-the-lifetime experience.

Sooner or later you all will know it.