...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Random Chirp

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This is the first entry ever done from my cubicle, yes...I have recently been hired as in the meantime of waiting to get back into college this year.

While sat alone in office I came across things that I had taken for granted so long. Achievements are what we would probably brag about...but I have none.

Even if time was a turtle sooner or later it would reach its final destination, or in the simplest way to put it, procrastination is the issue.

Kill two birds with a stone, would it be possible? while you have something at the back of your mind and in order to get it accomplished obviously something got to be done but procrastination gets in the way that you must overcome along the way. It is hard. 

Time is taking on me. All I need is nothing but a little courage to pursue my dream. If I were to fail, I would fail in dignity.

Happy is another invention of human, so we are to determine what will be the conditions of things to be happy.

Allow me to make one....