...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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Hari ni ader subject circuit theory la....mcm maner ni....nasib baik ni lab jer....kalo leccture gak menakutkan....anyway....lecture advised kalo nk paham subject ni kene ader satu buku...then he suggested this book...but the thgs is...this book dah xde kt pasaran...die pn baru je beli...dan yg die beli tu pun adalah yg terakhir...mcm ner yer nk cari buku tu.....kalo nak order die kate amik mase skit.....sb dari india....pergh jauh tu....so pade kekwn....kalo pernah ternampak ker...jumper ke buku ni bleh la contact sayer...bg tau kt ner bleh dpatkan....tgk pic kat atas tu..