...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Breakfast is hard

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Where can I find a place where breakfast is served all day long in this city! I know that is something not typical of people of this city would ask for the first thing in the morning as they woke up.

But I have seen growing demand for it. I've had a taste at both Shangri-la and Traders Hotels, Kuala Lumpur however they did not quite live up to the expectations - far off of its status to be the best in town - shame! It comes as no surprise to me!

Food offered at Shangri-La is plain chinese-style cooking with lack of variety in it -way too bland to wake my taste bud.

I rarely take breakfast before leaving home for office though but then I realise how important it is to have one to start off my day.

They say that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, is it?

I will usually have a simple one like "kuih" or typical Malaysian morning breakfast "Nasi Lemak" upon reaching office.

When I came back from Seoul a couple of months ago, I did not realise how food is well appreciated there, really good.