...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Super Powers

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Oh boy...see how fast the time flies...even faster than the speed of light...

Promises are there to be broken as they say...this time round it took rather longer to have a new post updated in here...

There is just so much going on since I left my job, I have been tirelessly looking for the replacement. I have always thought that it is easy but looks like it is far more harder than it should be.

At this time, you realised that anything you planned would not always turn up to be what you imagined.

But there is no time for you to look back and regret, just have to keep moving forward; pretty much as what the Walt of Disney says. Looking how far it has come so far, I have no doubt.

Its all back to square one, I am stuck in a rut again, doing the same all routines and neither do I enjoy nor despise them. I need something more, anything at all.

Recalling some of the post I wrote in the past, clearly I prefer a job that doesn't involve staring at the computer screens all day long.

I am an outside person.

Even having to sweat under the sun or soak trenched in rain I'll do it.

I just need a job right now, and this leads to problems more than ever.

My strength is weakening.

I wasted too much of my time for nothing.

Some says now is the best time to look far beyond everything, to me this could only mean one thing, migration.

Given the circumstances, considering immigration would be a great idea.

Then again only if nothing else works.

We are leaving march in a few more days.

I'd surely come back.