...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...

Window to the World

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Every journey brings along a moment that would last forever, and is made by the people you travel with..

Every step is a new journey and window to the world, go out there and explore! World is not only there for you to know but to see it with your eyes.

Whenever I plan a trip, many of my friends would think that it is a waste of time and money, and eventually I'd gain nothing out of it, the truth is, every trips I took in the past, it later defines who I am, changes me for the better.

I get to feel the feeling that I often only see it in the book or elsewhere for the matter.

Wherever it takes you, it makes you grow! Always without fail! 

I am so looking forward to make another trip, whenever time permits.

Destinations I have been to so far :


And more to come....