...inner chirps of a stranded bird with broken wings...


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we will no longer hold each others' back...the best is for us to go on our own separate ways.

the beginning that is filled with hatreds, in a strong team what matters the most is the spirit to arise above all and come as one.

never let things get better of you, life can be unexpected at times, do anything today so that the future can be certain, and yesterday will be as it is. Present acts as point of reference.

be strong friends.....


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its been so long since the last entry, so here I am, making a comeback. I am nowhere after all this its just that I've been rather busy lately with job and whatsoever.

oo..yeah I am now working out on a project or should I say a business that I am going to start. Do you still remember that not so long ago I posted something about having my own coffee cafe, and turns out that it might be true really if things go well as planned.

But one and all it takes more efforts than what I first anticipated. I am ready to go all out for anything comes in way or barrier....I'm so gonna crush it into pieces down to the last one.

Opportunity knocks but once, I'll fling wide the door open to let it in....

The feeling that comes with adrenalin rush would just add more thrill, well, it never crosses my mind that one day I would turn this crazy idea into a reality.

Being a caffeine addict I am which makes it obvious why running a coffee cafe is the real deal for me.

The journey is yet far from reality, but determination is there to clear all sort of things that blockage the way.

About going to Japan, after turn of an event my friend and I decided to detour to New Zealand instead, given the visa requirements are too much for us, we thought that NZ would be the perfect detour.

September is months away....

Bye-bye for now....